APPLICATION : Program to Simulate Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA)
CODED BY : Ankit Pokhrel
COMPILED ON : Borland C++ Ver 5.02
DATE : 2010 - December - 10
#include <iostream.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct Node //Structure to represent a Node or Vertices of a Graph
char data[10];
struct Node *next,*head; //Pointers to next node and Start
struct Adjacent *adj; //Pointer to Adjacent node
struct Adjacent //Structure to represent Adjacent node of a Graph
char data;
struct Node *next;
struct Adjacent *adj; //Pointer for next Adjacent
Node *New,*top; //Global Variables for New node and Pointer to Top
void create()
New = new Node; //Create a node
New -> next = NULL;
New -> adj = NULL;
void CreateVertices(Node *&n,char *Item) //Function to Create a Vertices of a Graph
if(n == NULL) //if first node
n = new Node; //Create a node
strcpy(n -> data,Item); //Insert Data
n -> next = NULL;
n -> adj = NULL;
n -> head = n; //Initialize head
top = n; //Update top
create(); //Create a node
strcpy(New -> data,Item); //Insert Item
top -> next = New; //Assign new node to next of top
top = New; //Update top
void LinkVertices(Node *&n)
Adjacent *a,*ptr;
int inputSize;
char *inputString;
cout << "\nHow many inputs? ";
cin >> inputSize;
inputString = new char[inputSize];
cout << "\nEnter Input Alphabets : ";
for(int j = 0;j < inputSize;j++)
cin >> inputString[j];
Node *temp = n -> head;
while(temp != NULL) //Until last
int flag = 0,i = 0;
char ch[10];
cout << "\nEnter Transition (" << temp -> data << ", " << inputString[i] << ") : ";
cin >> ch; //Scan Adjacent
a = new Adjacent; //Create an Adjacent
a -> data = inputString[i++]; //Insert Data
a -> adj = NULL;
a -> next = NULL;
if(flag == 0) //if first Adjacent
temp -> adj = a;
ptr = a;
flag++; //Increase flag
ptr -> adj = a;
ptr = a;
Node *tmp = n -> head;
while(tmp != NULL)
if(strcmpi(tmp -> data,ch) == 0)
a -> next = tmp;
tmp = tmp -> next;
}while(i < inputSize);
temp = temp -> next;
char* CurrentState(Node *n,char *state, char input)
Node *temp = n -> head, *tmp;
Adjacent *a;
char nextState[10] = "";
while(temp != NULL)
if (strcmpi(temp -> data,state) == 0)
a = temp -> adj;
while(a != NULL)
if (a -> data == input)
tmp = a -> next;
strcpy(nextState,tmp -> data);
return nextState;
a = a -> adj;
temp = temp -> next;
return nextState;
char* Transition(Node *n,char *state, char *inputString)
int len = strlen(inputString);
int i = 0;
char chrTemp;
while(i < len)
chrTemp = inputString[i++];
if (i != len)
chrTemp = inputString[i++];
return state;
void display(Node *n)
if(n == NULL)
cout << "Nothing to Display.";
Node *temp = n, *tmp;
Adjacent *a;
while(temp != NULL) //Until Last
cout << temp -> data << ' '; //Print first data
a = temp -> adj; //go to adjacent node
while(a != NULL) //Until last of adjacent
tmp = a -> next;
cout << tmp -> data << ' '; //print adjacent
a = a -> adj; //goto next adjacent
cout << endl;
temp = temp -> next; //goto next Node
int main()
int m;
char startState[10],finalState[10];
Node *nd = NULL;
cout << "How Many States? "; //Number of Nodes on a Graph
cin >> m;
cout << "\nState(s) Name : "; //Input the name of Vertices
for(int i = 0;i < m;i++)
char strBuf[15],strTemp[10];
strcat(strBuf, strTemp);
strcat(strBuf, "\0");
if (i == 0)
cout << strBuf << " ";
cout << "\n\nEnter Final State : ";
cin >> finalState;
cout << "\nThe Transition Table is\n";
cout << "-----------------------\n";
cout << endl;
char inputString[50];
cout << endl << "Enter a String : ";
cin >> inputString;
char State[10];
if (strcmpi(State,finalState) == 0)
cout << "\nString Accepted";
cout << "\nInvalid String";
return 0;
Let’s Check the DFA that accept all the strings that ends with 00
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its really very helpful
can u write this prog using files...
like reading input from one file and writin output to the other output file
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