Prefix -> Infix
The following algorithm works for the expressions whose infix form does
not require parenthesis to override conventional precedence of operators.
1) Create the Expression Tree from the prefix expression
2) Run in-order traversal on the tree.
Prefix -> Postfix
1) Create the Expression Tree from the prefix expression
2) Run post-order traversal on the tree.
1) Reverse the prefix expression
2) Examine the next element in the input.
3) If it is operand then
i) create a leaf node i.e. node having no child
ii) copy the operand in data part
iii) PUSH node's address on stack
4) If it is an operator, then
i) create a node
ii) copy the operator in data part
iii) POP address of node from stack and assign it to node->left_child
iv) POP address of node from stack and assign it to node->right_child
v) PUSH node's address on stack
5) If there is more input go to step 2
6) If there is no more input, POP the address from stack,
which is the address of the ROOT node of Expression Tree.
Evaluating an expression involves two phases:
1) Create an expression tree for given expression
2) Evaluate the tree recursively
1)if root != NULL
2)if current node contains an operator
a) x = Evaluate Tree(root -> left_child)
b) y = Evaluate Tree(root -> right_child)
c) perform operation on x and y, specified by the operator
and store result in a variable
d) Return variable
3)else, Return root->data
(Above Algorithms are from programmersheaven.com)
APPLICATION : Conversion from Prefix to Infix and Postfix (using Expression Tree)
and Evaluation of Expression Tree
CODED BY : Ankit Pokhrel
COMPILED ON : Borland C++ Ver 5.02
DATE : 2010 - July - 30
#include "iostream.h"
#include "conio.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "math.h"
struct TREE //Structure to represent a tree
char data;
struct TREE *right,*left,*root;
typedef TREE tree;
/********* Stack Using Linked List **********/
struct Stack //Structure to represent Stack
struct TREE *data;
struct Stack *next,*head,*top; //Pointers to next node,head and top
typedef struct Stack node;
node *Nw; //Global Variable to represent node
void initialize(node *&n)
n = new node;
n -> next = n -> head = n -> top = NULL;
void create(node *n)
Nw = new node; //Create a new node
Nw -> next = NULL; //Initialize next pointer field
if(n -> head == NULL) //if first node
n -> head = Nw; //Initialize head
n -> top = Nw; //Update top
void push(node *n,tree *ITEM)
node *temp = n -> head;
if(n -> head == NULL) //if First Item is Pushed to Stack
create(n); //Create a Node
n -> head -> data = ITEM; //Insert Item to head of List
n -> head = Nw;
return; //Exit from Function
create(n); //Create a new Node
Nw -> data = ITEM; //Insert Item
while(temp -> next != NULL)
temp = temp -> next; //Go to Last Node
temp -> next = Nw; //Point New node
n -> top = Nw; //Update top
node* pop(node *n)
node *temp = n -> head,*deleted;
if(n -> top == NULL) //If the Stack is Empty
return NULL;
if(n -> top == n -> head) //If only one Item
deleted = n -> head;
n -> head = n -> top = NULL; //Set head and top to Null
return deleted; //Return deleted node
while(temp -> next != n -> top)
temp = temp -> next; //move pointer temp to second last node
temp -> next = NULL; //Second last node points to NULL
deleted = n -> top; //Save topmost node
n -> top = temp; //Update top
return deleted; //Return deleted node
int Empty(node *nd) //function to check if the stack is empty or not
if(nd -> top == NULL)
return 1; //empty
return 0;
/*********** Tree Section ************/
tree *New;
void create() //Function to create a node of a tree
New = new tree;
New -> left = NULL;
New -> right = NULL;
void insert(tree *&t,char Item,int pass) //Function to insert item on a tree
if(t == NULL) //If tree doesn't exist
t = new tree; //make a node
t -> data = Item; //insert item
t -> left = NULL; //initialize left pointer
t -> right = NULL; //initialize right pointer
t -> root = t; //initialize root
return; //return from function
New -> data = Item;
void inorder(tree *t) //Function to print tree in inorder
if(t != NULL)
inorder(t -> left);
cout << t -> data << ' ';
inorder(t -> right);
void postorder(tree *t) //Function to print tree in postorder
if(t != NULL)
postorder(t -> left);
postorder(t -> right);
cout << t -> data << ' ';
/*************** Main Program Section *************/
void reverse(char ch[],int len)
char temp[60];
int j = 0;
for(int i = len - 1;i >= 0;i--)
temp[j++] = ch[i];
for(int i = 0;i < len;i++)
ch[i] = temp[i];
int isOperator(char ch)
if(ch == '+' || ch == '-' || ch == '*' || ch == '/' || ch == '$')
return 1;
return 0;
bool check(node *nd)
if(nd != NULL)
return true;
return false;
float calculate(float opr1,float opr2,char oprator)
float value;
if(oprator == '+')
value = opr1 + opr2;
if(oprator == '-')
value = opr1 - opr2;
if(oprator == '*')
value = opr1 * opr2;
if(oprator == '/')
if(opr2 != 0)
value = opr1 / opr2;
if(oprator == '$')
value = pow(opr1,opr2);
return value;
float evaluate(tree *t)
float x,y,result;
char ch[3];
if(t != NULL)
if(isOperator(t -> data))
x = evaluate(t -> left); //go to left
y = evaluate(t -> right); //go to right
result = calculate(x,y,t -> data); //calculate
return result;
ch[0] = t -> data;
ch[1] = '\0';
result = atof(ch); //convert to float
return result;
int main()
char prefix[60];
cout << "Enter a valid Prefix Expression\n";
cout << "(in a single line, without spaces)\n";
int i = 0;
while(prefix[i - 1] != '\n')
prefix[i++] = getchar();
int len = i - 1,pass = true,valid = true;
reverse(prefix,len); //reverse the prefix expression
node *stk,*nd; //create a stack
tree *tr = NULL,*value;
i = 0;
while(i < len) //while there is data
if(!isOperator(prefix[i])) //if operand
New -> data = prefix[i];
push(stk,New); //push address of tree node to stack
else //if operator
insert(tr,prefix[i],pass); //create a node of tree and insert operator
if(pass) //if first pass
nd = pop(stk);
valid = check(nd);
value = nd -> data; //pop address
tr -> left = value; //assign to left child
nd = pop(stk);
valid = check(nd);
value = nd -> data; //pop address
tr -> right = value; //assign to right child
pass = false; //reset pass
push(stk,tr); //push address to stack
nd = pop(stk);
valid = check(nd);
value = nd -> data; //pop address
New -> left = value; //assign to left child
nd = pop(stk);
valid = check(nd);
value = nd -> data; //pop stack
New -> right = value; //assign to right child
push(stk,New); //push address to stack
i++; //update i
tr -> root = pop(stk) -> data; //Last data of stack is root of tree
tr = tr -> root;
if(!Empty(stk)) //if stack is not empty
valid = false;
cout << "\nThe Given Prefix Expression is not Valid";
cout << "\nCheck above Expression and try again...";
return 0; //exit from program
cout << "\nInfix : ";
inorder(tr); //Inorder traversal gives Infix of expression
cout << "\n\nPostfix : ";
postorder(tr); //Postorder traversal gives Postfix of expression
float result = evaluate(tr);
cout << endl << "\nSolution : " << result;
return 0;
1)Above Alogorithm Works only for the expressions whose infix form does
not require parenthesis to override conventional precedence of operators.
2)This Program doesn't work for Operand greater than 9.
3)Above Algorithm Works only for Binary Operators.
4)This Program Works only for operators +,-,*,/ and $(Power).
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