APPLICATION : Word Counter
CODED BY : Ankit Pokhrel
COMPILED ON : Borland C++ Ver 5.02
DATE : 2010 - August - 24
#include "fstream.h"
#include "conio.h"
#include "string.h"
struct TREE //structure to represent a tree
char data[20];
int count;
struct TREE *right,*left,*root;
typedef TREE tree;
tree *New;
void create() //function to create a node
New = new tree;
New -> count = 1;
New -> left = NULL;
New -> right = NULL;
tree* search(tree *t,char *nme)
tree *temp = t;
if(strcmpi(temp -> data,nme) == 0) //if first node
return temp; //return first node
if(strcmpi(nme,temp -> data) < 0)
temp = temp -> left; //go to left
temp = temp -> right; //go to right
while(temp != NULL) //until end
if(strcmpi(nme,temp -> data) == 0) //if found
return temp; //return node
if(strcmpi(nme,temp -> data) < 0) //if data is less than current node
temp = temp -> left; //go to left
temp = temp -> right; //go to right
return NULL; //data not found
void insert(tree *&t,char *nme)
if(t == NULL) //if tree doesn't exists
t = new tree; //create a tree
strcpy(t -> data,nme); //insert data
t -> count = 1;
t -> left = NULL;
t -> right = NULL;
t -> root = t; //initialize root
tree *temp = search(t,nme);
if(temp != NULL)
temp -> count++; //Increase Count
//Insert as a new node
tree *trav = t;
if(strcmpi(nme,trav -> data) < 0)
if(trav -> left == NULL)
strcpy(New -> data,nme);
trav -> left = New;
insert(trav -> left,nme); //go to left
if(trav -> right == NULL)
strcpy(New -> data,nme);
trav -> right = New;
insert(trav -> right,nme); //go to right
void inorder(tree *t) //Inorder Traversal
if(t != NULL)
inorder(t -> left);
cout << t -> data << " - " << t -> count << endl;
inorder(t -> right);
int indicator(char flenme[]) //Pastes "0z4978" at Last on a file to indicate the End of File
ifstream infile(flenme);
if(infile.fail()) //check if File exists or not
return 0;
ofstream outfile(flenme,ios::app); //open File in Append mode
outfile << "\n\n\n";
outfile << "0z4978"; //paste "0z4978"
outfile.close(); //close file
return 1;
int main()
char filename[15],word[50];
tree *tr = NULL;
cout << "Enter Filename : ";
cin >> filename;
int done = indicator(filename);
cout << "\nFile Doesn't Exists";
cout << "\nPlease try again...";
return 0;
ifstream infile(filename); //open file in Read-Only mode
while(strcmp(word,"0z4978") != 0) //until EOF
infile >> word; //scan a word from file
int len = strlen(word);
if(word[0] == '.' || word[0] == '(' || word[0] == ',' || word[0] == '<'
|| word[0] == ':' || word[0] == '\'' || word[0] == '\"' || word[0] == '@'
|| word[0] == '$' || word[0] == '%')
for(int i = 0;i < len;i++)
word[i] = word[i + 1]; //exclude Special Characters at Start of string
if(word[len - 1] == '.' || word[len - 1] == ',' || word[len - 1] == '>'
|| word[len - 1] == ')' || word[len - 1] == ':' || word[len - 1] == '?'
|| word[len - 1] == '@' || word[len - 1] == '$' || word[len - 1] == '%'
|| word[len - 1] == '\"' || word[len - 1] == '\'')
word[len - 1] = '\0'; //exclude Special Characters at End of string
if(strcmp(word,"0z4978") != 0)
insert(tr,word); //insert word in tree
cout << "Total Words in File " << filename << endl << endl;
inorder(tr); //display Output
cout << endl << "Press any key to halt....";
return 0;
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