APPLICATION : Addition of Very Long Integers (using Linked List)
CODED BY : Ankit Pokhrel
COMPILED ON : Borland C++ Ver 5.02
DATE : 2010 - July - 02
#include "iostream.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "conio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "iomanip.h"
struct Stack //Structure to represent Stack
long int data;
struct Stack *next,*head,*top; //Pointers to next node,head and top
typedef struct Stack node; //Now, node represent Structure Stack
node *New; //Global Variable to represent node
void initialize(node *n)
n -> next = n -> head = n -> top = NULL;
void create(node *n)
New = new node; //Create a new node
New -> data = NULL; //Initialize data
New -> next = NULL; //Initialize next pointer field
if(n -> head == NULL) //if first node
n -> head = New; //Initialize head
n -> top = New; //Update top
void push(node *n,int ITEM)
node *temp = n -> head;
if(n -> head == NULL) //if First Item is Pushed to Stack
create(n); //Create a Node
n -> head -> data = ITEM; //Insert Item to head of List
return; //Exit from Function
create(n); //Create a new Node
New -> data = ITEM; //Insert Item
while(temp -> next != NULL)
temp = temp -> next; //Go to Last Node
temp -> next = New; //Point New node
n -> top = New; //Update top
node* pop(node *n)
node *temp = n -> head,*deleted;
if(n -> top == NULL) //If the Stack is Empty
cout << "\nStack Underflow";
exit(0); //Exit from Program
if(n -> top == n -> head) //If only one Item
deleted = n -> head;
n -> head = n -> top = NULL; //Set head and top to Null
return deleted; //Return deleted node
while(temp -> next != n -> top)
temp = temp -> next; //move pointer temp to second last node
temp -> next = NULL; //Second last node points to NULL
deleted = n -> top; //Save topmost node
n -> top = temp; //Update top
return deleted; //Return deleted node
void display(node *n,int carry)
if(n -> head == NULL) //if no items
cout << "Stack is empty";
node *temp = n -> head;
cout << carry;
cout << setfill('0');
cout << setw(4) << temp -> data; //Print First Item
while(temp -> next != NULL)
temp = temp -> next; //Move to next node
cout << setfill('0');
cout << setw(4) << temp -> data; //Print Next Item
int count(node *n) //Function to count the number of nodes in a List
if(n == NULL) //if list doesn't exists
return 0;
else if(n -> next == NULL) //if only one node
return 1;
return (1 + count(n -> next)); //else add 1 and call function count recursively
void reverse(node **n) //Function to reverse the List
int N = count((*n) -> head),i = 0;
long *tempArr = new long[N],*reverse = new long[N]; //Define 2 Arrays
node *temp = (*n) -> head; //Temp points to node n
tempArr[i++] = temp -> data; //copy first element to temporary array
while(temp -> next != NULL) //copy all element to tempArr
temp = temp -> next;
tempArr[i++] = temp -> data;
int j = 0;
for(i = N - 1;i >= 0;i--)
reverse[j++] = tempArr[i]; //copy reverse of tempArr to array reverse
//Now copy the elements of array reverse to List
i = 0;
temp = (*n) -> head;
temp -> data = reverse[i++];
while(temp -> next != NULL)
temp = temp -> next;
temp -> data = reverse[i++];
void split(char *opr,node **n) //Function to split the list
int len = strlen(opr);
int i = len - 1,j;
char temp[6];
long value;
while(i >= 0)
for(j = 0;j < 4;j++)
temp[j] = opr[i--];
if(i < 0)
temp[j] = '\0';
value = atol(temp);
int main()
node *lint1,*lint2,*result;
//Allocate memory for lists
lint1 = new node;
lint2 = new node;
result = new node;
//Initialize all lists to avoid errors
char opr1[100],opr2[100];
long int value;
//Scan Inputs
cout << "Enter First Operand : ";
cout << "Enter Second Operand : ";
//Divide input into various nodes each containing 1 to 4 characters
//reverse lists lint1 and lint2 because the data is processed from terminal end
//i.e. Last data will be processed First (LIFO)
//If we use concept of Queue it is not necessary to reverse the list
long data1,data2;
int carry = 0;
if(count(lint1 -> head) != 0) //if node exists
data1 = pop(lint1) -> data; //pop data
if(count(lint2 -> head) != 0)
data2 = pop(lint2) -> data;
value = data1 + data2 + carry;
carry = value / 10000; //carry can be calculated by dividing value by 10000
if(carry) //if there is carry
value = value - carry * 10000; //eliminate carry from value
push(result,value); //Push value to stack
int len1,len2,len;
len1 = count(lint1 -> head);
len2 = count(lint2 -> head);
len = (len1 > len2) ? len1 : len2;
while(len > 0)
if(count(lint1 -> head) != 0)
data1 = pop(lint1) -> data;
data1 = 0;
if(count(lint2 -> head) != 0)
data2 = pop(lint2) -> data;
data2 = 0;
value = data1 + data2 + carry;
carry = value / 10000;
value = value - carry * 10000;
cout << endl << endl;
reverse(&result); //reverse result
cout << "Result : ";
display(result,carry); //display result
return 0;
Linked List
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